Heavy Trash Junk
“Junk Waste” is defined as items such as furniture, appliances, and other bulky material. More info...
Trash Pickup
Columbus Day
This holiday commemorates Christopher Columbus’s first landing in the Americas on October 12, 1492. Beginning in the late 19th century, Italian-Americans began to honor the day as a celebration of their heritage, as Columbus is widely believed to be of Italian origin. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed the federal holiday. Read more about...
The City of Houston is now accepting: Plastics #1-#5; #7 (Please Rinse & Drain): Plastic Bottles, Jars, Jugs, Tubs & Lids: milk, water, juice, soft drink, beer, Salad dressing, condiment, cooking oil, sauces, squeezable bottles & jars; Laundry & dishwashing detergent, medicine, mouthwash, cosmetic & shampoo bottles; cat litter jugs; yogurt, butter, margarine, ice cream...
Trash Pickup
National Night Out – October 3, 2017
A GREAT NIGHT TO GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS When: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 NNO is an excellent opportunity to meet, greet, and eat with your immediate neighbors. In the event of an emergency, break-in, or suspicious activity it makes good sense to know your neighbors enough to be on the alert or be available...
Trash Pickup
The City of Houston is now accepting: Plastics #1-#5; #7 (Please Rinse & Drain): Plastic Bottles, Jars, Jugs, Tubs & Lids: milk, water, juice, soft drink, beer, Salad dressing, condiment, cooking oil, sauces, squeezable bottles & jars; Laundry & dishwashing detergent, medicine, mouthwash, cosmetic & shampoo bottles; cat litter jugs; yogurt, butter, margarine, ice cream...
Trash Pickup