Walking Safety Tips – A Successful Start
Now that you have some idea about how to start a walking program and have some idea of your technique, let’s talk about walking safely in and around the neighborhood...
Yard of the Month – September 2010
We have observed the house at 2218 Brooktree since late 2007 when the house went into foreclosure. At that time the house and the landscape was a disaster. The front sidewalk was gone and the indention where it used to be was filled with dead sod. Whatever plants were there were overgrown or dead...
Civic Club Meeting on Sept. 28
Come and join the discussion! All are welcome to participate in the cultivation of our great neighborhood.
Door Prizes will be available!...
Door Prizes will be available!...
2nd Public Meeting Regarding Koehler Street Development
Mayor Annise Parker Cordially invites you to attend A 2nd public meeting regarding the Koehler Street Development Wednesday, September 1, 2010 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice 4701 Dickson Street Auditorium Houston, TX 77007 You are cordially invited to attend a 2nd public meeting regarding the Koehler Street...
September Newsletter Deadline
Please e-mail your submissions to lazybrook.newsletter@gmail.com...
2nd Annual Coin Drive for Jaycee Park
Your generosity and that of local businesses has allowed us to change the park considerably and soon we’ll add a new playground, splashpad, and renovate the basketball court. However, we still need to fund the walking trail, tennis court renovations, and a new open pavilion. So, save your coins (we will even take checks and...
Paver Push and 2nd Annual Coin Drive for Jaycee Park
Your generosity and that of local businesses has allowed us to change the park considerably and soon we'll add a new playground, splashpad, and rennovate the basketball court. However, we still need to fund the walking trail, tennis court renovations, and a new open pavilion. So, save your coins (we will even take checks and cash!) over the next four weeks and we will have 2nd Annual Coin Drive on September 25 from 10:00 a.m. until Noon!...
Yard of the Month – August 2010
We selected the yard at 1830 Seamist Court as yard of the month for August. This month’s yard of the month is owned by Nancy Piwonka who has updated the exterior of the house as well as the landscape...
August Security Update
Citizens on Patrol Hours Logged June 2010 – 58.5 July 2010 – 64 I appreciate the continued support of our patrollers and the interest from new patrollers that have completed the training course. Thank you very much for keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood. Crime in the Neighborhood 8/15 Theft from 2400 block of...