Yard of the Month – January 2011
We selected the home of Kenny and Sheryl Michalak at 1823 Crystal Court for yard of the month for January 2011. They have lived in this house for 30 years and Kenny lived next door with his parents 19 years before that for a total of 49 years in Lazybrook...
Water Saving Tips
Thirty six States are anticipating water shortages by 2016. Yet, the average American uses more than 100 gallons of water each day...
Civic Club Meeting on January 25th
Come and join the discussion! All are welcome to participate in the cultivation of our great neighborhood.
Door Prizes will be available!...
Door Prizes will be available!...
January Newsletter Deadline
Please have any submissions emailed to lazybrook.newsletter@gmail.com...
New Year’s Day
New Year’s Day is the first day of the year...
Yard of the Month – December 2010
The home of Jaime and Nina Cotero at 2342 Brookmere is the December yard of the month in Lazybrook. This yard is next door to last month’s “Yard of the Month” and this month we have another new house which was built and first occupied in 2002...
Lazybrook Winter Mulching Project
Neighbors - we have begun the annual Winter Mulching Project. Once again we will be mulching all the trees located on both WTC Jester and 18th street from the 610 Loop to Ella and including Ella and 18th around the Business Area...
Holiday Decorating Contest
Lazybrook is a noted decorating, celebrating community and your Civic Club want to award the families with our yearly decorating contest and yard signs...
Yard of the Month – November 2010
For November, we selected the home of Betty Allen at 2338 Brookmere for “yard of the month.” Betty has lived at this address since 1990 but because of foundation problems with the original house, she and her former husband decided to tear down the house and divide the property into two lots...