The Lazybrook’s Moms Club will be organizing caroling around the neighborhood...
Letter From the President
Not sure where the year has gone, but another holiday season and year end is upon us. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a terrific National Night Out this year in the neighborhood. We had several block parties and our house had almost 20 attendees. Even without our parade this year, a good time was had by all...
2014 Holiday Lighting Contest
Lazybrook is a noted decorating, celebrating community and your Civic Club wants to award the families with our Annual Holiday Lighting Contest and Yard Sign Awards...
Yard of the Month – November 2014
1831 Mill Creek...
Jaycee Park Update
Welcome Jessica Nute as co-administrator for Facebook Jaycee Park. The Facebook site’s name was changed because the “Friends” designation associated with “Jaycee Park” caused some confusion about donations. Houston Parks Board is the 501(c)(3) that manages the private fund for Jaycee Park. Thanks to the Houston Parks Board, the “spalls” or gouges on the center...
Civic Club Meeting and Holiday Social on Dec. 2
Come and join the discussion! All are welcome to participate in the cultivation of our great neighborhood.
Door Prizes will be available!...
Door Prizes will be available!...
Lazybrook Gardening Club Meeting – Nov 11th
The next meeting of the Lazybrook Garden Club is Tues. Nov. 11. at Ilya Martinalbo's home...
Friday Night Lazybrook Hangout and Movie Night
The Lazybrook Mom's Club invite you to join us on this Friday evening, November 14th for a Lazybrook Hangout & Movie Night. The event will be held in the cul de sac at the end of Widdicomb Ct. All are invited!...