The City of Houston is now accepting: Plastics #1-#5; #7 (Please Rinse & Drain): Plastic Bottles, Jars, Jugs, Tubs & Lids: milk, water, juice, soft drink, beer, Salad dressing, condiment, cooking oil, sauces, squeezable bottles & jars; Laundry & dishwashing detergent, medicine, mouthwash, cosmetic & shampoo bottles; cat litter jugs; yogurt, butter, margarine, ice cream...
Trash Pickup
The Nor’westener newsletter for January 11
Attached is the latest issue of The Nor'westener newsletter. Serving Concerned Readers in Clark Pines, Cottage Grove, Hidden Lake, Holly Park, Lazybrook, Oak Forest, Shady Acres, Greater Timbergrove and Woodcrest.
Trash Pickup
Timbergrove Manor Civic Club meeting
Guest speakers and their topics for the TMCC January 13 meeting confirmed as of today are. Residents from all surrounding neighborhoods are welcome. The TMCC regular meeting committee reports will follow our guest speakers...
2014 Holiday Lighting Contest Winners
This year we had a lot of new participants to our neighborhood Holiday Lighting tradition. It was great to see all of the new lights and decorations among the many others. Everyone who takes the time to put up even the simplest strand of lights, or just the Christmas tree in the window deserves to be recognized for their work...
Civic Club Meeting on Jan 27th
Come and join the discussion! All are welcome to participate in the cultivation of our great neighborhood.
Door Prizes will be available!...
Door Prizes will be available!...
Hanukkah Begins
Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE, Hanukkah is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar...
The Nor’westener newsletter for December 12
Attached is the latest issue of The Nor'westener newsletter. Serving Concerned Readers in Clark Pines, Cottage Grove, Hidden Lake, Holly Park, Lazybrook, Oak Forest, Shady Acres, Greater Timbergrove and Woodcrest.