Pay your annual membership dues and donate to the Lazybrook Civic Club online using the links below. We have both Standard Memberships for $60, as well as Senior Memberships for $40 for residents 65+ yrs of age. Only dues paying members have rights to vote at our regular civic club meetings.
Dues and donations payments support our regular operations and programs, including 18th St maintenance, improvement projects, green space maintenance, etc… We appreciate your support in helping us keep Lazybrook a great place to live!
****To check your dues paying status for the calendar year, check our list here ****
if you have any questions reach out to
Click the “Pay Now” Button to Pay Dues and/or Donate Additional Money to the Lazybrook Civic Club
Standard Membership = $60 + 2.29 fee*
*Represents fee LCC is charged by Paypal for Receiving Payments Online—there are no fees added to memberships paid via mail/check
Only for for Residents 65+ yrs of age:
Click the “Pay Now” Button to Pay your Dues and/or Donate Additional Money to the Lazybrook Civic Club
Senior Membership (65yrs+) = $40 + $1.69 fee*
*Represents fee LCC is charged by Paypal for Receiving Payments Online—there are no fees added to memberships paid via mail/check
Alternatively, you may pay by check. Click the image below to print this form and mail your completed form and payment to the address below, or bring it with you to the next Civic Club Meeting.

If you have questions about your membership dues, please contact our membership chair at