Lazybrook Civic Club Meeting Minutes January 25th 2022
Lazybrook Civic Club of Houston
January 25, 2022
In-Person Meeting Held at Lazybrook Baptist Church
Meeting Call to order – 7:06pm
Meeting Minutes: Tuesday November 30, 2021 (in-person) minutes reviewed and approved
Introduction/Roll Call:
- 1st Time Attendees
- Kim – 2114 Seamist
- Eric – 1707 Geuse, new block captain
- Rodney – Willowby
- Michael 1802 Willowmoss Ct. (has lived in the neighborhood 25 years & returning to meetings now!)
- Introduction of 2022 Board Members & Committee Chairs
Update from Councilmember Kamin’s office (Kurt)
- City of Houston approved 5-year contract with ShotSpotter to help locate the source of gunfire in the City
- Use HTX Collects app to keep up to date on delays from waste collection, etc. There are significant staffing shortages due to COVID and problems hiring
- Free COVID vaccines
- is Public Works new website to keep updated on projects and includes a map of major projects
Officer & Committee Reports:
- Volunteers Needed:
- Advertising Chair – Nathan T. volunteered
- Membership Chair – Eddie continues to handle but needs a replacement and/or help– duties include checking dues and payments, keeping membership list updated
- Beautification Chair – managing vendor for 18th St and any other special projects
- Committees – we can use any help!
- President’s Update & SNC -14 Report – Kurt Swafford
- Met with Abbie Kamin’s COS Lance Gilliam to discuss Lazybrook and our areas needs
- Walked 18th St and discussed problems with panels (equivalent to one lane) and learned about programs to help including certain amount of mileage that each City Council member can request to be repaved per year (in last 5 years there has been $0 spent to help Lazybrook)
- Storm water survey is ongoing with SN14 Lazybrook is included, especially where drains are undersized
- Membership – Eddie Yarbrough (Kurt Swafford provided update in her absence)
- Roughly 20% have paid as of this date
- Please encourage neighbors to renew and pay the $40 dues
- We would not be sustainable without additional donations that have been made by certain owners given our current/recent renewals
- Goal is 60% of houses paid in 2022
- Block Captains – Nicole Fuhrmann
- We may have x1 vacancy as of March – plan to review at next meeting
- Treasurer’s Report – Beth Goodner (written); (Kurt Swafford provided update in her absence)
- In 2021, we brought in about $18,000 in membership dues (but this includes extra donations made) and about $4000 advertising income; About $20K expenses; Net approx. $2000 income
- If we want to make progress on capital improvements and spend $5k this year on projects, we need an extra $3000 in income to break even in 2022
- Need to make sure that we have extra money in reserve in case of a lawsuit but we certainly have this base covered after many years of disciplined saving
- Deed Restrictions – Judy Dyk; (Kurt Swafford provided update in her absence)
- No updates or concerns
- Judgment in our favor for 2411 W. TC Jester – still ongoing appeals process (COH legal team is on it)
- Architectural Review – Ernest Fuhrmann
- No outstanding concerns
- Submitted requests have been approved for expansions, remodels, etc.
- Beautification
- Carolyn Lehnert has resigned as Chair; We need a new Chair for this committee
- We do not have any obligation for the esplanades but can keep pressure on COH to keep up with mowing, tree trimming, and trash removal – call 311/use HTXConnects app to report concerns
- Communications/Newsletter – Jessica Swafford
- Newsletters require lots of time to put together as well as money in printing costs – considering alternatives such as digital newsletter, ad hoc emails as needed, one-page annual flyer for membership dues and overall updates
- Need help collecting emails and managing the email distribution list
- Consider allowing people to select paperless option during dues renewal
- Security/COPS – Joel Dubois
- No new concerns other than what was printed in newsletter
- Pursuing new Citizens Patrol signs
- David Mitchell has volunteered to work with Joel
- Capital Improvements – Ben Dolan; See handout/attachment for new information; Kurt Swafford reviewed priorities that have been discussed so far
- Committee met 1/21/22: Compiled existing ideas and categorized what we will approach COH for help with and items that we will need to use our own civic club funds to help
- Goal to raise $5000 above normal operating costs to help pay for initiatives
- New Requests from members:
- Benches at bus stops – this is a Metro issue and has to be requested through them – maybe ask Councilmember Kamin’s office for help?
- Return to previous approach to include names of people who had paid vs not in newsletter?
- Focus on progress on projects to attract interest (not just deed restrictions)
New Business
- Mosquito Spraying Program – Spraying will be 3/5/22 – 11/15/22 on Thursdays (pending weather)
- Street sign toppers are being proposed for 18th St. for Arson Investigator (HFD Initiative)
- Discussion of potential redevelopment of Foodarama building – details still uncertain
Next Lazybrook Civic Club Meeting is Tuesday March 22, 2022
Donations from Pat Koteras, Corresponding Secretary
Adjournment at 8:11pm
LCC Meeting Minutes Nov. 30th 2021
Call to order: 7:06pm
Meeting Minutes:
All Meeting Minutes going back to January 22, 2020 were reviewed and approved by the members present
Introduction of new attendees:
(4) New residents in attendance
Committee Reports:
Volunteers Needed:
- Block Captain Chair – Nicole Fuhrmann appointed as new chairwoman
- Security Chair – Joel DuBois appointed as new chairman
- Advertising Chair (position remains vacant)
Membership/Block Captains – Eddie Yarborough (absent)
- Collection of membership dues are 38.1% on the year. Discussion on having a second membership drive in November.
Treasurer’s Report – Beth Goodner (absent)
- Financial reports provided to members present. General discussion on expenses and liabilities.
Deed Restrictions – Judy Dyk (absent)
- Update provided on lawsuit between COH vs. Homeowner on TC Jester
Beautification – Carolyn Lehnert
- Nothing new to report. Discussed TxDOT’s replanting of trees/landscaping on TC Jester for new members in attendance.
SNC -14 Report – Kurt Swafford
- General discussion on new City projects in the area.
Communications – Jessica Swafford
Architectural Review – Ernest Fuhrmann
- Update provided on several projects submitted to the ACC for review.
Security/COPS – Ben Dolan
- One burglary in the neighborhood on 9/14/21 on Willowby Drive
Capital Improvements – Ben Dolan
- Discussed some general ideas for capital projects and how the COH Neighborhood Matching Grant Program works.
New Business – Executive Committee Election:
Appoint new Directors, reorganize the Board of Directors, and approve Oath of Office:
We have a Quorum of (10+) members present. Following review and discussion, President Ben Dolan moved to reorganize the Board as follows:
President Kurt Swafford
Vice President Ernest Fuhrmann
Treasurer Beth Goodner
Recording Secretary Megan Mooney
Corresponding Secretary Pat Koteras
Preceding Club President Judy Dyk (exp. September 2022)
Preceding Club President Ben Dolan (exp. November 2023)
The motion was seconded, which carried unanimously. Oath of Office was conducted by Brenda Brummett.
Announcements: Next Lazybrook Civic Club Meeting is Tuesday January 25th, 2022
Door Prizes: Collected by the Corresponding Secretary Pat Koteras
Adjournment: 7:52pm
May 25th, 2021
Meeting Minutes: Lazybrook Civic Club of Houston
Virtual Meeting
Call to order: 7:06pm
Will review all outstanding meeting minutes at our next in-person meeting
Introduction of new attendees:
Committee Reports:
Volunteers Needed:
– Block Captain Chair, Security Chair, Advertising Chair
Membership/Block Captains – Eddie Yarborough
- Membership drive, dues 30.6% 207 homes, 23% increase from March. Still done 19% from this time last year. Positive feedback from QR codes.
Treasurer’s Report – Beth Goodner
- General Fund/PP/Money Market 132K, adding holiday decor assets is $1k more. $1000 earmarked for memorial and return to net income from last year.
- Net income of 13k; does not include invoices that are outstanding for printing take $1k off for that, also pest control $3k for rest of year + lawn services. Net income of 5k by the end of year.
- If we increase membership dues, we can spend more. Advertising income 2020, did not file taxes because we did not owe anything. We will have to pay income tax off of advertising revenue of $4k this year.
Deed Restrictions – Judy Dyk
- 2411 West TC Jester, 2 story home, made of clad and hardy – board siding; engaged city of Houston deed restrictions enforcement department took case on for us trial on august 2nd. Set for mediation this Thursday the 27th of May. Charges : 1. Construction of 2 story home that is limited in 1.5 stories, 2. columns and front porch overhang, 3. without receiving permits, 4. stop work and allow inspections after receiving stop work order.
Beautification – Carolyn Lehnert
- start spring maintenance, pruning W. TC jester esplanade, fertilizing and trimming around Lazybrook sign around Foodarama.
- Getting Tech stop to replace trees (20-30 trees that they demolished and never put back for expansion)
- Foodarama has been sold in its entirety, intend to rehabilitate building and Foodarama will move out next year. Baker and Katz own.
SNC -14 Report – Kurt Swafford
- Ongoing conversations with Metro, adding in rapid transit bus lanes. Effects Timbergrove more than us. Phase 2 of this project (design phase) adding lane. Dallas to Houston train.
Communications – Jessica Swafford
- 100% of advertising payments for this year, no leads on advertising business for now. Jess would like help when it comes time to invoice.
Architectural Review – Ernest Fuhrmann
Security/COPS – Ben Dolan
Patrol Hours down from last year:
26 hours – Feb
22 hours – March
24 hours – April
No crime since last meeting
March 24th, theft from vehicle on Crystal Court
April 2nd, theft from vehicle 2200 W. TC Jester
April 9th, 2400 block of W. TC Jester
Capital Improvements – Ben Dolan
National Night Out – Megan Mooney
New Business:
National Night Out (NNO) is Tuesday October 5th 2021 – Megan Mooney
If you’re interested in helping, please contact Megan Mooney at
Lazybrook 4th of July Parade – Sunday July 4th (Time TBD)
Feel free to call or email Erin Fuchs with questions 713-253-3746,
- Starting point on Brooktree, sponsors who are willing to sponsor bounce house, hot dogs/shaved ice, unique cars to be in parade, Erin will put up route soon if you don’t want to be in the parade.
Announcements: Next Lazybrook Civic Club Meeting is Tuesday September 28th, 2021