Citizens on Patrol Hours Logged
- January 2010 – 48.5
- February 2010 – 40.25
- March 2010 – 43
I appreciate the continued support of our patrollers and the interest from new patrollers that have completed the training course. Thank you very much for keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood.
Crime in the Neighborhood
4/12 Theft from vehicle 2300 block of Lazybrook
4/20 Theft from vehicles 1800 block of Tattenhall
4/20 Theft 1800 block of Locksford
4/26 Attempted home break-in 2400 block of Brookmere
4/28 Theft 1700 block of Willowby
As you can see, we are experiencing a rise in criminal activity. Please make an extra effort to watch your surroundings, and report any people or activities that seem suspicious or otherwise out of the norm. It will take a combination of HPD Officers and alert neighbors to improve this trend and continue to make Lazybrook the safe place we all love to live.
Please call HPD to report all crimes and get a case number, this is how we are assigned manpower from HPD.
HPD Dispatch 713-884-3131
Crime Statistics
The latest crime statistics are posted on the web at:
Citizens on Patrol
Since we are experiencing a rise in criminal activity we are in need of more neighbors actively patrolling our streets to help curb this trend. I urge everyone to contact me so that I can schedule a COP training class for you. Just a few minutes a week can really make a big difference in keeping Lazybrook safe. Patrolling is as easy as driving or riding a bike through the neighborhood with a cell phone and calling in any suspicious persons or activities. We will train you, the hours are flexible to fit any schedule, and you are reimbursed for the cost of gas. Please email to let me know if you are interested.
Lazybrook Email Network
We have over 315 neighbors signed up to receive email updates. If you are not currently receiving the email you can join by emailing:
If you change your email address please drop me a line so I can make the change and keep the list current.