Hello Lazybrookers! What a winter….I keep trying to see my garden as half full but my heart aches at the lovely plants that once again didn’t make it through the freeze. Why oh why do I keep planting delicate plants? Is it the thrill of a neighbor asking what is that planted in your side yard and where can I get it? I think it is more that I like to dig in the dirt, visit Joshua’s and Buchanan’ nurseries several times each spring for replacement plants and the ultimate thrill of conquering Mother Nature’s winter whims. Our 1st Lady Richard Cade is a diehard advocate for survival of the fittest. Oh what do we do? So out the door Richard and I went with the few extra sheets we own. Were we successful? Well not exactly….. but I am thoroughly committed to snooping around my neighbor’s yards this month to see what survived. Please Lord, don’t let me see something delicately blooming at the nurseries and make me throw caution to the wind yet again in my Spring plantings.
About our Club – 5th Friday Social will be relocated to 2110 Millwood at Melissa and Mark Cougle’s home for Friday April 29th. Handouts for the Social will be given out at the LCC meeting March 22nd at Lazybrook Baptist Church. Our March 22nd Lazybrook Civic Club meeting will have a guest speaker on the 290 Corridor expansion which is starting this year. Come hear the details 7PM .
I want to give a special THANK YOU to the Lazybrook Block Captains who stepped up to the plate and agreed to take on more responsibilities for the LCC and Ilya Martinalbo who now chairs this new committee.
Questions on the LCC Deed Restrictions? – our Gregg Kalba has organized this team with the dedicated people who have volunteered for years.
Check out Lazybrook.org it has the email addresses for all your needs associated with the LCC. We owe a thank you to our Webmaster Greg Frommert for organizing us online and you can now PAY YOUR DUES ONLINE with PayPal – thanks Greg! Greg is a real behind the scenes hero!
See you all around the neighborhood this Spring,
Shane Davis LCC President and Richard Cade our 1st Lady.