Fat Tuesday
Mardi gras is French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season
In order to preserve our proud Texas tradition and build awareness of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™, the Show challenges schools, businesses, organizations, and clubs to participate in a one-day event that will build pride in our Texas and Western heritage throughout Houston and the surrounding areas.
Valentine’s Day
Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come from? Read more about Valentine’s Day at History.com
Lazybrook Gardening Club Meeting – Feb 11
The February Lazybrook Garden Club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th.
Location: The meeting will be held at the home of Marc and Melissa Cougle, 2110 Millwood
Time: The meeting with begin with a social starting at 6:30PM and the formal meeting will begin at 7:00PM.
The agenda for this month’s meeting with include:
- Welcome Roundtable
- Topic: Pruning Winter die-off and preparation for spring plantings
Wanted: Volunteer to host upcoming Garden Club meetings
If you would like to join us for the Garden Club meeting, you are welcome to bring a small dish, appetizer or bottle of wine to share and enjoy with the other club members.
The Garden Club is looking for a host for the upcoming Garden Club meetings: March 11th, April 8th, and May 13th. If you are interested in being a host please contact Marc Cougle mcougle@yahoo.com or 713-444-3351. Due to other commitments the Cougles will not be able to host.