Tree watering is ongoing. Because of advice from the Houston Parks Department and Trees for Houston, the watering has been increased from once a week to twice a week for the new trees. Also, some of the four-year-old trees on 18th Street are being heavily watered occasionally. Thanks to all of you who have donated to the beautification fund. The expenses have been increased due to our continuing drought.
Plans are being made for a new project planned for next November. This will be to plant trees in homeowner’s own yards at very low cost. Labor will be provided. This project is being co-sponsored by Trees for Houston. They will probably be at our September meeting to explain all this. Thanks to Ralph and Mary Ann Bullard for this great idea. We lost trees during Ike and this is a good chance to replace them or to get new trees where there are none. Both large growing and smaller trees will be available.
Please consider watering your trees and shrubbery if you are not doing this already. Damage may not become apparent until a year or two later and you know that landscaping is very expensive. We would like to see Lazybrook stay green. Also. watering around your home will protect your foundation and keep your walls from cracking.