It’s C-O-M-I-N-G!
Neighbors Night Out (NNO) is on the horizon. Tuesday, October 7, 2014
(Others may call it National Night Out but we know it is all about the Neighbors.)
NNO is an excellent opportunity to meet, greet, and eat with your immediate neighbors. In the event of an emergency, break-in, or suspicious activity it makes good sense to know your neighbors enough to be on the alert or be available to help.
NNO is designed to:
- heighten crime prevention awareness,
- generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs,
- strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and
- send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Please notify Matt Herring ASAP at or 713-823-0794 if you wish to be a part of the parade as we need a headcount. We hope to post the parade route beforehand.
Block Captains: if you haven’t already started, please be preparing for a block party on that evening. This is a BIG DEAL, folks, and you don’t even have to clean your house for company!! If you can’t host one, please locate someone (or several) on your block to generate some interest and excitement for a block party. You might even want to combine two blocks for a party! It can be as fancy or as simple as you want to make it. Make this time together memorable and make it count! Eddie Yarbrough, Block Captain Chair, will be contacting you soon with reminders and suggestions.