Hello Lazybrookers,
First let me thank all of you who responded with your opinions on the newsletter distribution to neighbors who do not belong to our Civic Club. We will continue to distribute to all. Common opinions came out rapidly.
- Advertisers want to reach 100% of our neighbors.
- Anyone who truly cannot work the yearly dues into their budgets can be assisted yearly by other generous neighbors (I was happy to see how many stepped forward to help). I will figure this part out via a letter this summer.
- Lazybrookers want the Block Captains organized to collect dues and/or find out why a neighbor does not want to join the neighborhood civic club. Block Captains are very important part of our leadership infrastructure and our club must organize, publish their contact info and THANK each of you who fill this very important volunteer slot yearly.
- Most of you mentioned moving the newsletter 100% over to the Lazybrook.org website. We aren’t ready yet but will head in that direction in the next 3-4 years as the website is used more and more. I love the WEBSITE. My church distributes our weekly newsletter via mass email and it works great. Maybe down the road.
Lazybrook 5th Friday Social is MOVING this month to Sherri Oldham and Birgitt Haderlein’s home 2222 Lazybrook @ Millwood Friday night 5:30 to 7:30 July 30. Dinner will be served, bring a bottle of wine or dessert. You’ll see the social sign in their front yard approximately 2 weeks before the gathering. Thanks Sherri and Birgitt for hosting our July Social.
Chief Block Captain
I am seeking one Chief Block Captain to help me organize the Block Captains. This position would be the liaison between our Membership Chair, Janell Bryans, for dues information as well as solicit/receive announcements for our Newsletter Chair Crystal Frommert on births, deaths, anniversaries, graduations, honors etc.
Please let me know if you are listed as a Block Captain and want to retire. I am trying to get active block captains on 100% of our blocks and I will fill your position if you do not want to stay on.