National Night Out is quickly approaching. It is set for next Tuesday evening, October 5th, 2010. We encourage you to talk to your neighbors and block captain to plan a gathering for your block. We should all use this opportunity to welcome new neighbors and spend time catching up with old friends. National Night Out is a nation-wide program designed to raise crime prevention awareness, generate support for anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and to send a message to criminals that we are fighting back! Our City of Houston National Night Out coordinator has asked for us to come up with something special to do for our National Night Out parties. The Houston Police Department is once again collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Houston Food Bank. This would allow us all to assist those less fortunate than ourselves during these tough economic times. Let’s try to make a difference in their lives!
If you are planning on hosting or attending a block party please let Matt Herring know so he can forward this along to HPD. They are going to try to send officers out to chat with as many neighbors as possible.