The first week of August began our twice a week spraying. Weather permitting, the spraying should occur Monday and Thursday late evening/early morning. This schedule is currently set to continue through October 31, 2014 (the end of the spraying season).
As a reminder, the spraying in our neighborhood is to assist our personal efforts to control mosquito activity on our property. Checking around your yard for areas that retain water and treating your own yard are important to managing these pesky insects.
Additionally, you may find the most recent article in the Houston Chronicle of interest. Aerial spraying is currently underway in parts of Harris and Montgomery counties due to the increase in cases of diseases spread by mosquitoes.
Paying for the Spray
So far, we have raised $2,585 for the mosquito spraying fund. Thank you to everyone who contributed!!! This year we had three wonderful sponsors who contributed $500 each to help boost the fund!
We are now soliciting additional donations to cover the remaining balance of $1,518. Each spray costs approximately $100. Please consider sponsoring a spray if your budget allows!
You can donate online TODAY by clicking here.
Thanks so much!
Alison Moss
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