Come and join the discussion! All are welcome to participate in the cultivation of our great neighborhood.
Curious to know what is going on with the Highway 290 and 610 improvements starting soon? Our guest speaker, Mike Zientek with the US 290 Program will give a presentation on the construction along with Ms. Karen Othon, the TxDOT Public Involvement Officer.
Have you seen the MARCH LCC Membership Drive signs in front of your Block Captains house? THANK you to those who have paid! If you have not paid for 2011, please remember to bring your 2011 dues to the meeting and say hello to your Block Captain. The only pay they get is the annual dinner and an individual heartfelt thank you from a neighbor. Look for Janell Bryans at the back table and her drop off basket for your check. If you need a nametag, let her know.
We still need Block Captains for several blocks. If you rec’vd a request on the front of your March Newsletter (Same request I sent out with your January newsletters) to be a block captain, PLEASE consider helping your block. The 1st Lady, Richard Cade, is delivering the newsletters to the homes without a Block Captain later this week. 50+ homes…it will take him awhile.
Block Captains – please leave your Membership Drive signs out front throughout March AND ADD your Tuesday LCC meeting signs next to it until March 23rd. Thank you all for serving. You are doing a GREAT Job during Membership Drive Month!
Door Prizes will be available!